Hadoop exploitation: tips and tricks
18:40 / Track 4 / RU /
We'll look at the problems and tasks of Hadoop exploitation and explain how we've adapted Hadoop for the Yandex infrastructure.
Side Effect Injection, or The virtuous duct tape
13:45 / Track 2 / RU /
Using test generator to stabilize the compiler of Zing VM
15:30 / Track 4 / RU /
In this talk we’ll share how we look for functional problems in the compiler of Zing Java machine, using automatic generator of test programs on Java.
Database replication in Hadoop
17:00 / Track 1 / RU /
We'll focus on loading data into Hadoop for later analysis.
Spring Boot Starter — how and why?
15:30 / Track 1 / RU /
ML and Spark MLlib smoothie
12:00 / Track 3 / RU /
This talk is about how to come into/start your own Spark + Machine Learning and get away with it. It will be useful for those with no experience in ML in distributed systems.
Graal: how to use the new JVM JIT compiler in real life
13:45 / Track 4 / EN /
How to build a crypto trading platform with Spring 5 and Reactor 3
18:40 / Track 2 / RU /
On the way to efficient concurrent hash table
18:40 / Track 3 / RU /
Increasing the development effectiveness: the ML hackathon in SberTech
12:00 / Track 1 / RU /
Making an internal ML hackathon without any experience and longtime preparation and getting a real benefit from it.
ML Pipelines at Odnoklassniki
13:45 / Track 3 / RU /
We'll cover the main architecture of Spark ML library, as well as a row of limitations which can make it harder to use the library and how to avoid them. We'll use the problem of news feed ranging in Odnoklassniki social network as an example to demonstrate the work of standard library and its extensions.
Class data sharing in the HotSpot VM
12:00 / Track 4 / EN /
Who's that tweeting about #jbreak?
17:00 / Track 4 / RU /
Clustered event sourcing and CQRS with Akka and Java
16:45 / Track 3 / EN /
JDK 9, Mission Accomplished: What next for Java?
10:30 / Track 1 / EN / / Download presentationWe'll dwell on what's included in JDK 9, the proposed changes to the release cadence of the JDK, the numbering scheme and GPL released binaries. We’ll also look at the introduction of a long-term support (LTS) model and what that means for developers and administrators, along with the future of the Java platform.
Create effective tests or create excuses — testing the Java EE way
15:30 / Track 3 / EN /
What is necessary to effectively test Java EE applications, as well as how to keep fast feedback, sufficient coverage, and constant development velocity. All of the time will be spent live-coding test cases with different scopes using different technologies. We will especially focus on how to develop maintainable test code with high quality that embraces principles of software craftsmanship.
Reactive programming with Vert.x
13:45 / Track 1 / RU /
We'll use Vert.x to write an app and learn how to add functions to this app really fast, how to avoid the old code redesign, how to easily scale, along with the features you get in so doing. We'll explain where Vert.x is most efficient. The talk will be useful for those who want to start using Vert.x.
IMDG exploitation from Dev and Ops sides
15:30 / Track 1 / RU /
A few words about the general stack, in more detail about Ignite in tow with various services.
Java bytecode verification: when, how, or maybe to turn it off?
17:00 / Track 2 / RU /
Advanced client load balancing with Spring Cloud
12:00 / Track 2 / RU /
We'll look into a standard solution of the problem in Live Demo mode on the base of Spring Cloud project. During this demo, we'll dwell on inside realization of client load balancing with examples from different libraries.