JDK 9, Mission Accomplished: What next for Java?
JDK 9 including the Java Platform Module System (JPMS) has finally been released. We’ll start this talk with a quick recap of what’s included in JDK 9 and how this will help (and challenge) Java developers.
Oracle has made some significant announcements about the future of the JDK as well as Java EE. Find out about the proposed changes to the release cadence of the JDK, the numbering scheme and GPL released binaries. We’ll also look at the introduction of a long-term support (LTS) model and what that means for developers and administrators.
Finally, we’ll look ahead to the future of the Java platform. There is a plethora of JDK enhancement proposals (JEPs) and OpenJDK projects like Valhalla, Amber, Metropolis and Loom. What these are and what they mean for developers will be explored.